Cheats menu: in the replay menu push the red button 3 times Читы врубаем очень просто: Корень папки/Renpy/Common/00console.rpy, открываем с помощью блокнота 00console.rpy, внутри находим строку config.console = False, правим на config.console = True, сохраняем, заходим в игру, нажимаем сочетание клавиш Shift+O, готово, консоль работает, читерите сколько влезет. money = xxx (xxx) = amount you want. discipline = xxx grades = xxx horniness = xxx (Yes that is how it is spelled in the game.) influence = xxx popularity = xxx spy_points = x (1 - 5 with 1 being the best for you.) (Okay this one the lower it is the more time you get and in the game. 5 is all you get so a 1 is best, you can change it to 1 many, many times to keep redoing the windows in the demo version of the game but its the same thing over and over again.)