v.0.5 Beta Change-Log: Location Rework - The chool has had a redesign CG Count - Around 450 new CGs are in the game Hidden Image Fix - The hidden images now work again Christine Scene - New scene for Christine & the job interview Amanda Scene - New scenes for Amanda, around 6 scenes in total Weekend Event - The first weekend event has been added New Location - College has been added into the game, find Amy & Jessica there Daily Routines - Jessica & Sarah both have ( almost ) full daily routines, just need to add Sarah in bed. Repeatable Scenes - I've removed a portion of the repeatable scenes simply because thee to grindly, I'll be working on them a little in 0.6 to make them more rewarding. v.0.4A Change-log: Re-code - You may not notice anything different with this simply because it was all back-end & the actual gameplay itself didn't change because of it, however, the re-code will allow me to add new scenes much easier that I was able to before and let me keep track of what has and hasn't been going on in the game. Emotion System - The emotion system will keep track of what you've done with characters and show them in the next scene. At the moment this is a little buggy and doesn't fully work, but it has been implemented in 95% of the game and will just need a little tweak in 0.5 to get it fully working. Point System Change - In previous versions, game events and activities were dependent on how many points you had with a certain character, this is no longer the case, now, the points system will only effect the end-game. Hints System - The hints system has ( for now ) been removed, simply because it would have taken me to long to write it out & it was bugged in 0.3 anyway. Daily Routines - This hasn't be implemented for every character, although, it has for Christine, Amy & Amanda, I plan on adding Sarah & Jennifer. New Characters - This release see's the arrival of 3 new characters, Emily, Lisa & Jennifer, they will all have there own story arcs in a future release. Sarah's House - You can now go to and explore Sarah's house. At the moment there isn't much to do there, but 0.5 will focus on massive Sarah & Jennifer content. Bunny Lounge - The Bunny Lounge has been totally reworked, now Amy is no longer a whore but rather a Bartender/Stripper. Back Room - The back room hasn't been implemented into the game yet but I want to take a quick moment to tell you what it'll be. Basically, you can go to the back room to interact with the 2 bunny's ( that for now ) have been removed from the game & get a private dance from the 3 strippers. Christine Movie Scene - I've reworked the movie scene. Pre-Introduction - I've added in a new introduction before the actual intro scene, just a little place to name characters. New Logo - Not a major change but I like the branding :P Sarah + Christine Scene - I've added in a scene with Christine and Sarah having a drink on the sofa. There isn't much to it yet but it will eventually lead to something tasty. Spy Scenes - I've added in 3 spy scenes for Amanda, Christine & Amy *( one each, not three each )* Amanda Homework - I've done a little reworking to Amanda's homework scene. v.0.2b V0.2b consists of the following changes: 1 ) Skip Time - You're now able to skip time ( although most bugs calling for this have now been fixed. ) 2 ) Hint System - It'll give you hints as to what you need to do, but please keep in mind it's just a hint system, not a full on walk through. 3 ) Added Amy to her bed ( During the afternoon ). 4 ) Added Amy into the Dinner scene. 5 ) Added a new location [ gym ] - Events for this will be added in v0.3 6 ) Removal of all the "Haha's" that people seemed to hate 7 ) Fixed transition from weekend trip with Sarah. 8 ) Added new location [ The Bunny Lounge ] - More events for this will be added in v0.3 v0.1 Removed: Phone System Fast Travel Bathroom Scenes Sarah's Home Visit Couple Random Bits Reworked: Intro Scene ( with Amanda ) Kitchen Scene ( with Christine after intro ) Menu System ( all new images ) GUI Design Interaction Images ( how you move around ) Some Location Changes ( re-rendered the location images ) Map Images ( Still needs work doing to it though ) Amanda Redesign ( designed her character ) Work System ( all reworked ) Amanda Lounge Scene ( before trying on clothes ) Amanda Trying On Clothes Scene ( stills needs some work though ) Christine Movie Scene ( a lot has been removed to keep it in line with the rest of the game! ) MC's Bedroom Design Newly Added: Christine/Sarah Kitchen Scene ( after work ) 2 Work Locations ( kitchen and storage area ) Christine Cooking ( still requires work and will add more to it ) Dinner Scene ( needs reworking though, lights are awful! ) Laptop System Hidden Images New Stats System Choice Menus Characters at Night ( in bed, more to be added to these! ) Sarah's Weekend Trip ( this also has a setup section at work ) This may not seem like a lot, but I know I'm forgetting a shit ton of new stuff XD ALSO!...WARNING! DELETE OLD SAVED! A LOT OF SHIT HAS CHANGED AND OLD SAVES WILL NO LONGER WORK! ALSO, WHEN YOU PLAY THE NEW RELEASE SAVE ON DAY 02!! A LOT MORE STUFF WILL BE ADDED INTO WEEK 01 IN A COMING RELEASE AND YOU'LL MISS IT ALL IF YOU DON'T SAVE ON DAY 02!!! I'm going to spend today doing tests and shit, making any last changes, then tomorrow will send it to my testing dude to test and then will release it sometime tomorrow after he's tested it.