краткий гайд "Как включить консоль" Lust_and_Power-0.37-pc\renpy\common\00console.rpy открыть через notepad заменить это config.console = False на это config.console = True - спасибо Ademain ==================================== ==================================== Anti-cheat Removal + Console & Commands*: Allows you to cheat. Works with every version. Future or present. Remove anti-cheat Post vAll (Works with every version of the game, present or future) Was supposed to do the same as before but too much work. Console will be enabled. Cheats protections disabled. Instructions: Extract this inside your "Lust_and_Power-(XXXXX)-pc" folder. //XXXXX=the version you're playing Windows will ask you to overwrite some files. Say yes Start game. ============ Shift + O <- this enables console (IGNORE THE "//" and everything after it. It's just explaining what it does.) v_my_weight_max = 9000 //sets max inventory space to 9000. v_my_energy_max = 1000 //sets energy max to 1000 v_my_health_max = 1000 //sets health max to 1000 v_my_health = 1000 //sets health to 1000 v_my_energy = 1000 //sets energy to 1000 v_exp = 1000 //sets experience points to 1000 (which you can use to raise your spells levels) v_dtm = 8 //sets time of day to 8 (only use if you're raising your spell levels and don't want to go to bed) v_home_food = 10000 //sets food at home to 10000 v_home_batteries = 100 //sets batteries at home to 100 (take them when needed for sis) v_home_chocolate = 100 //sets chocolate at home to 100 (you can use the one bellow to give sis chocolates, but it's always good to have some backup) v_home_wine = 100 //sets wine at home to 100 (might as well have a stash) v_inv_chocolate = 100 //sets chocolate in your inventory to 100 (Use it to give them to sis and increase stats.) v_inv_food = 20 //sets food in inventory to 20 (good for the police quest) v_inv_wine = 100 //sets wine in your inventory to 100 (it's good when you're improving potions and police quest) v_inv_red_heart = 100 //sets red hearts in your inventory to 100 (good for the improving potions) v_inv_yellow_heart = 100 //sets yellow hearts in your inventory to 100 (good for the improving potions) v_food_collector = 10000 //sets the amount of times you've collected food to 10000. (This means you can progress on your moms early stage quests pretty easily) v_inv_gold = 10000 //sets gold in your inventory to 10000 (this is for the witch quest or something like that) v_emm_sp = 1000 //sets mom's submission points to 1000 v_emm_lp = 1000 // sets mom's love points to 1000