v.1.0 Well, it's done. The story is finished. We'd like to thank you all for your support and patience. Without you, it wouldn't have been done. We hope you enjoyed our story, and that it was worth it. At some point we will do one more patch with grammar and spelling fixes. Once they are all reported. But the story is done. 0.70 It's done. A little shorter than the last update. But counting animations that was huge. Over 350 renders. But we did manage to get everything in. The last three decision in the game are included. They're not all available in each different path, and most are made available by previous choices. All that's left are the epilogues. Those will be a little substantial, since every char has is own ending depending on choices you made in the game, and there are a lot of permutations. Hope you enjoy it. v0.55 Encountered some quite serious last minute coding problems. But we think they're fixed now. Except for the android port, where we had to reach out for help. Apparently android is starting to freak out due to the total number of pics. That will take a couple of more days to be ready. v.0.40 Hello It's finally here. The update, and our first animation, I mean. There was no reduction in size do to this animation. But it was a very small animation in size. Baby steps. All in all it's 208 renders. That's more or less it. Don't want to spoil anyone. We hope you like it. v0.35 The story continues... v0.30 Compressed the images to webp v0.25 You might be wondering why it's 0.27 instead of 0.30. The answer is simple. While it has the usual amount of renders. And it's actually a bit bigger than the last patch, we didn't cover all we were hoping to cover in terms of storyline. There is a special scene in this update that we were really trying to get right. It ended up taking up over 70 renders. That's 1/3 of the update. Just one scene. So we had to cut a couple of other scenes we wanted to do to make room for it. We decided that, in the end, we're more committed to getting it right than to overall development speed. v0.18 No changelog yet. v.0.15 160 new renders and no fecking changelog smh