Episode 1 - v8 - 2024-07-24 (Finally) fixed animated Tara body materials (visible mostly on sex scenes) - Fixed "black camera-fade" bug, causing all active sounds to stop playing - Fixed Tara's vertical position offset in cutscenes - Fixed bugs with clothing body morphs, staying even after removing this cloth - 1st person view is improved - Fixed problem for "Red Vinyl" boots rig - Fixed wrong voiceline on Horus entry cutscene - You can now break Mirrors by shooting at them (also disables additional camera rendering, which improves perfomance a lot) - You can ram enemies with your Horse - It's possible to disable dynamic mirrors/foliage wind (to improve perfomance), by setting graphics "Effects" slider to "Medium" or "Low" - Added 1 more secret to the main level - Fixed "invert axis" option inside controls settings (works only after reloading the save/game for some reason) - You can now change binds for "Zoom in\out" in control settings - Extended ending of EP1, with Minotaur statue section - Added Shooting Range mode with shooting challenges/bonuses/new restroom scenes. Shooting Range is dynamically saved, you can exit the level and return back with saved progress) - Added Gallery mode - with 3 different Environments to choose from. You can only preview scenes that was unlocked during the main story (written in the savefile) - Added new dynamic wet/dirt/sand system for body/clothes. Strenght of these effects can be configurated inside body settings - Added an ability to change color for any active cloth you are wearing - Added separate Inventory tab for Collectables - now all Comics, Puzzles, Cards will go into this group - Greatly improved Guns - added new effects (barrel smoke, light effect when shooting, bullet tracers), removed bugs with offset pistol positions on switch, improved logic for automatic pistol reloading - Added "critical" headshot feature to the enemies, including proper dismemberment effect - You can light your Arrow on fire using fire torches. You can also set enemies on fire - New dynamic fire system, which mostly will be used for puzzles/secrets. You can set wood objects on fire - with proper fire propagation - Game should not start in VR mode now, if you have VR hardware connected - 1 more comix added (15 pages) for the Shooting Range - New set of 3 Cards (Maya) - You can combine all Cards to one set, by clicking RMB on the card icon Episode 1 - v7 - 2024-04-09 - Fixed major bug with 2 mummies not spawning after Totem sex scene - Fixed crashes inside/after Tomb - Returned basic binds for gamepads, you can also customize Gamepad controls (you still need mouse to use inventory or solve any minigames) - Character is slightly raised, straightening her legs a bit more, making it look more natural - Increased inventory slots - Fixed camera fadeouts before/after sex scenes - Fixed old bug, where "Interact" widget can disappear while moving (after touching mouse Scroll wheel) - Added Quickload keybind (F9) - Returned unused "Hard landing" animation, when dropping from medium height - Fixed Tara's damage sound reaction, based on damage type - Fixed bug where Horse's active items (saddle and reins) disappeared after saving/loading - Scrolling wheel now works for switching between multiple items pickup in the area - A lot of additional small tweaks - Added 1 more secret area/clothing - Added 12 collectable cards, you can find in 4 different zones *** in the next version we will introduce a separate "Collectables" inventory Tab, where all Comics, letters, cards will go (to avoid flooding the regular inventory with these items) Inventory: - Added black makeup options for face - Added finger/toe nails color settings - Added Eye Iris saturation setting - Added 2 more tattoos - Changed slider-limits for Muscle, Breast shape, Nipples Photomode: - You can now control Tara's vertical position too - Fixed morphs list for Tara - Removed black borders, now using your actual game resolution to make shots - "Look-at" icon now invisible on the actual shot - "Look-at" function is no longer transfers into the actual game from the photomode - Shot now saved into "Pictures" folder of the current user - Notification on making a shot Episode 1 V6 fixes: -2024-03-17 - Added DLSS - Added photomode - Added lipsync for Tara's voicelines - Added interactive physical bones in sex scenes/inventory - Added fast-traveling system - Ability to call the horse in the open environments - for testing purposes (only for this supporters build) - Foliage now interacts with the player (certain plants are still not, will be fixed later) - Mirrors are now disabled if using texture resolution setting "Low" or "Medium" (should increase perfomance in these areas) - Added fall damage - Alternative animations for cutscenes, while being a "dickgirl" Tara (hand moves away, so it's not clipping). No sex scenes affected yet, just cutscenes - Added 1 more secret - Body type sliders are now separated to "Upper/Lower body" - Body type settings are not resetting to default on sex scenes (may create some clipping issues though) - Fixed issue with "Merc Boots" item, hiding wrong character geometry Episode 1 v5 - 2023-12-12 A lot of bugs was fixed, it is a very stable version by now. Ep.1 V4 fixes: - 2023-11-12 - Quicksaving function (F5) / fully reworked save system (should be much more stable) - Doors are no longer closes up behind the player, all interactive objects are saved - you can return back and find any objects you've missed - Added Difficulty setting (the hardest one unlocks after beating the game for the first time) - Fixed bug on sex scenes, if player was "captured" while Crouched/Crawling - Fixed bug with mouth-texture visible, after "forcing out" of 1-st person mode - Fixed bug with puzzles not combining into 1 book - "Pee girl" desk puzzles can be reset with "R" button, also fixed problem where this puzzle is "solved", but not "triggering" as solved Ep.1 V3 - 2023-10-05 fixes: -Checkpoint Save System added, it's very stable, however you can occur few bugs with it: -There is a rare crashing when loading the save, just launch the game again and it should work -After loading a save, an additional bugged "backpack" can appear in the inventory, which has no purpose -After loading a save, 2 zombies in the final room can be duplicated (has no effect on game progression or anything) - New Game+ added - it allows to play the game again, with all Items saved from the previous playthrough - Fixed bug with Puzzles, where chip's (pieces) were flying towards the camera (pieces were reaction to collision from Objectives, which was quite unexpected) - HDR is always returning to default after a sex scene, if you changed them - You can now wear "open-crotch" clothing+buttplugs at the same time. Open-crotch suits can also be presented in sex scenes - Fixed a bug, when moving Clothing from 1 active slot to another active slot will hide the clothing inside the game - Futa-peeing inside cutscenes is no longer altering cock physics - Added "Horse" type of futa cock (only for supporters) - Futa cocks materials now working properly with Sand-on-body, Dirt-on-body sliders, Pubic hairs. Also "Veins" slider is now adjusting veins on cock too. - Added "Eye color" customization slider - Removed bug with "Physical Cloth" reacting to invisible trigger volumes - Objectives UI logic is improved - Various fixes for clothing/accessories - Smooth camera transition on the end of the cutscene is fixed Ep.1 v.2 - 2023-09-07 General: - Fixed Pee collisions on low fps, now it should work good on any framerate - Tomb "trap ceiling room" is not killing no more, until the save system arrives - Fixed multiple bugs inside Clothing system, items should never disappear for no reason - Re-worked Tara AI control (auto-walk to Interactable objects) - Improved Objectives system - Buttplugs are no longer disappears on Pee scenes - Fixed issue, where Buttplug ass-morphs was not disabled on sex scenes (while the buttplug itself is hidden) - Fixed Mummy BJ character offsets - Fixed bug with Mummy, not reacting to the player after a sex scene - Fixed Mummy attack range distance - Enemie's balls physics are enabled inside sex scenes - Raptor is respawning from cave, after sex scene (was broken on initial release) - Tara's butt physics is always on (it was not turning back on, after some sex scenes) - Fixed Smooth camera blend, on cutscene end - Fixed a bug with potential softlock, while spamming Use key on Lootboxes (or any other interactables) - Added Tattoo 3 Arm texture (texture was missed on the first release) - Fixed secret totem BJ scene (dynamic textures were wrong) - Improved swimming>walking transition - Fixed potential softlocks, when picking up Box - Blocked raptor cave hole, you can't fall inside it no more - Fixed rare problem, when finishing the Pee-girls puzzle were not activating the doors - Multiple small improvements to the cutscenes, collisions, hints and so on - Fixed bunker assets (videos were not imported currently on the first version) Puzzles: - Added Puzzle Reset function to reset pieces positions ("R" - Reload) - Fixed bug with Raptors comix, now all pages should be saved inside the book - Fixed bug with Puzzles, where chip's (pieces) were flying towards the camera (actually, it was happening in places with high cliffs above the player - pieces were aligning to the cliffs, instead of a board mesh) Episode 1 N/A Teaser Initial Release -Pee-particles are not following movable objects, which is the biggest issue of this version. There is also a problem where particles are hitting invisible objects as well. This will be completely reworked and fixed very soon. -Skin shader is very high on SSS ("sub surface scatter" - looks like a "wax"), will be fixed. -Main menu settings are not "connected" mostly, hence they are disabled. -Some issues on crouching - character is going down more than it should (not happening all the time, though). -1st person view - sometimes inner-mouth textures are visible in that mode