EON 0.04 Hello everyone I hope you are all healthy and happy. Here is another EON update and please read this before downloading it. First a fair warning: Do not try anything with Supporter code in option screen if you don't have one. If you are supporter $10+ just wait till you get mail from me with correct code and instructions... When you go to load screen things may be looking a bit weird as if you have more save games there they will be overlapping each other. So don't worry about it. It's just a glitch that engine does when changing loading screen. So cure is to load that save (s) again and then just overwrite it and thumbnail of your save will be corrected and small as it is meant in this update. So this update brings 6 new sweet memories many dolls and few diary's and a lot of quests. New feature in quest log is: When you press Q with your character you will see quest log, and then if you press Q on quest log screen it will bring you back to that character. Quests are now in 2 color letters so you can see when you have reached end or if some quest has appeared. Those will be white so even if it's new quest you will see on quest log white - ... that means you can find quest for that line. There is also gathering materials from this update, re-spawning materials system as well as crafting and mounts... Since this is supposed to be open world sandbox game go ahead and find all this things on your own. If you only want sex scenes quickest way is to read guide (text file in game folders on my clouds here.