v.1.0 - 2204-05-14 6 minor events 3 major scenes 2 animated scenes 2 endings v.09 - 2024-03-10 1 new friend 6 new "Frankies" 3 minor events 6 major scenes 1 animated scene v.08 - 2024-01-15 3 new minor events 3 new major scenes 2 new animated scenes v.07 - 2023-11-21 6 new minor events 3 new major scenes 2 animated scenes 1 new story character Overhauled UI v.06.02 - 2023-10-04 Fixes of reported bugs that prevented players from unlocking certain scenes. v.06 5 new minor events 4 new major scenes 1 new animated scene 1 new friend v.05 - 2023-08-18 3 new minor events 2 brand new fully animated scenes An upgraded outfit minigame The edition of the poll runner-up outfit 1 new room v.04 - 2023-07-09 3 new minor events 2 brand new fully animated scenes An upgraded outfit minigame The addition of the poll winning outfit v.03.04 - Fixed issue forcing credits to trigger after finishing v2 content instead of progressing to v3. v.03 A brand new gameplay system! Four new major special scenes! Three new outfit events! Two additional levels of outfit event progression! One fully animated scene! A new friend! v.02 Nine new events! Four new major special scenes! Two new friends! A brand new room to unlock! Room upgrades to work towards! A new tier of perverted events! Challenge missions to help you unlock new choices from the shop! v0.1 Initial Release