Ch2 v0.13 The final update of the famous "Once a Porn a time" Chapter 2 Ch2 v0.12 - 2024-05-13 In this short update, you'll find a little bit of Ali-baba's corruption and, above all, the continuation and end of Amandine's Quests. This update is the last one before the final update of the game. Ch2 v0.10 - 2024-02-12 This update will focus on the quests of Emee, Amelia and a little bit of Lycoris and Amandine if you have some personal quests with them. Ch2 v0.9 - 2023-12-23 As you'll see in the game, the story will be divided into 3 quests, one for Emee, one for Amelia and one for Amandine. And In this small update, we're going to do Amandine's! To start this update you need to talk to sleep. Ch2 v0.8 - 2023-11-25 New Main Update Ch2 v0.6 - 2023-08-09 In this new update, you'll find the continuation of the main quest, new characters, and TONS of new clothes. 12/2021 -Elsa Quest 10/2021 -Sphinx Quest -Office Customs v0.31.1 -Main Story -Emee development -Melissandre development v0.31 In this update you will find the continuation of the Main Story, and after this one the development of Emee and a little bit of Melissandre! Go back to sleep to continue the adventure! v0.30 -Main Story -New exterior scene -Emee development -Office Customisation -Emee Patreon Haircut -Scene with Rosette v0.29.1 So, this update 0.29.1 brings the new version of the scene between Tinker and Alpha. This scene really needed a good makeover and I'm very happy with the result. There are still a few scenes that I think need some work, but most of it is done now. This update also brings a new feature: Cheat Codes. I'm not a big fan of cheat codes at first, but it's something I've been asked a LOT, so I've found a way to put them in the game without destroying the game experience too much. There is a very simple system of "cheat points" that you can spend if you wish, and you will receive 5 cheat points with each new Patreon code you will enter (so, with each update with patreon content) You will also be able to completely disable the cheat codes option to keep a vanilla gaming experience. ( Do that ) v0.29.0 This update is the famous addition of a "Drone Character" I told you about last time. It's pretty small so I'm putting it in public right now. It will be quickly followed by another small update that will add a new version of the first exclusive patreon scene. The purpose of this new character is to add a new event in the drone expeditions. So, to find this character, launch a drone expedition after Snow White shows you "Petal". I really like this new character and I hope you will like her too. If you do, don't hesitate to tell me, I will add new things with her... And maybe with other characters, who knows! 0.28.1a New Headquarters] Всем привет! Сегодня: неожиданное обновление! Итак, что это за "0.28.1 a"? Я работал над следующим обновлением нового персонажа ( Зайдите и посмотрите предыдущую рассылку, иначе вы ничего не поймете ) И я решил добавить еще несколько сцен... НО новая версия штаб-квартиры уже была в игре и готова к использованию! Так что... ладно... Я решил дать вам небольшое обновление, чтобы поделиться этим с вами. ( А еще меня очень смущает низкое качество старого офиса, поэтому я хотел заменить его как можно скорее ) Мне очень нравится эта новая версия рабочего стола, и как только вы ее увидите, вы забудете старую версию! И пуф! Я вдруг стираю его из твоей памяти! Это волшебство ~~ ) И на другой ноте, первая сцена раздевания тинкер была переделана ! ( поскольку это происходит на письменном столе и что он тоже был переделан, это была возможность поработать над этой сценой ) Вот оно! На сегодня все! Если вы обнаружите какую-либо ошибку в последнем обновлении, не стесняйтесь сказать мне! Хорошего дня! ~~ v0.28.1 This new update includes several things. First, as you could see on the thumbnail, new scenes! One... which I won't spoil, and one with Snow White, at the beginning of the game. And speaking of the beginning of the game, this update brings a lot of changes to the first part of the game (The part before the first strip of Snow White) This part of the game needed some freshening up, it was long and a lot of new players got lost in it. So I shortened some useless things and added a small scene. This new Snow White scene is available in the gallery if your save game is already advanced and you have already passed it. The other new scene is a scene placed at the end of the current game ( So, for advanced players. ) v0.27 P2.3 - A new version of the SnowWhite 002 scene - A new feature to the manual drone. And above all! : - The introduction of the new exclusive Patreon character of the upcoming 0.28 update! v0.27 P2.2 This 0.27 P2.2 brings a new version of the introduction scene with TinkerBell when she is in her jar. As you'll see, the illustration is much more beautiful and detailed. ( and maybe I added a little bonus on this scene but I don't say more ~~ ) And to finish with this update, as you'll quickly notice, the characters have some animations! Nothing very complex, just blinks and small changes on the hologram of Emee for example, but I think it brings a lot of life. I think I'll add more and more of these little things in the next updates if you think it's interesting. v0.27 P2 N/A