Player affecting cheats = x player.reflex = x player.stoicism = x player.leadership = x player.persuasion = x player.personality = x player.awareness = x player.reasoning = x player.concentration = x = x player.alignment = x = x player.interactions = x Player.SB = x Player.PB = x player.MB= x player.resistance = x grade = x player.power_FLY=x Flight (max 3) player.power_XRY=x Senses (max 3 1=start) player.power_CHA=x Psychoism (max 3) player.power_MAN=x Sympathic Link (max 3) player.power_APP=x Polymorphism (max 3) player.power_WIT=x Mind Control (max 3) SB = Social Bonus (doesn't increase the amount of interactions but does increase the power of some things) PB = Physical Bonus MB = Mental Bonus Чит на разврат .corrution= x here's a list of all the girls console identifier Mom: m Kelly: k Samantha: sam Principle Larson: pl Denise: d Jules: js Nikki: n Allie: a Sandra: sd Terri: t Chelsea: ch Mary: my Courtney: cy Anne: an Sophie: s Sister: sis Dr. Ivy: i Girl affecting cheats (replace with girl's console identifier) .vitality = y .willpower = y .favor = y .love = y .lust = y .fear = y .anger = y .inhibitions = y .suspicion = y Inhibitions means lower is better Girl Mental Affecting Cheats .obsessive=True .nymphomaniac=True .volatile=True .psylocked=True time affecting cheats. doesn't change the locations and actions available at that time so allows going to Globex during the morning when used during the Afternoon or Day. The reason for these is it doesn't change the location just the time without going through the transition. phase = 'Morning' phase = 'Day' phase = 'Afternoon' phase = 'Night' weekday = '[Insert day here with capital letter first letter]'